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Say What???

Writer's picture: Hailey WildeHailey Wilde

When I first established this blog, I wanted to make sure y'all (my viewers) had an idea of who I was and what I enjoy to hopefully establish a connection between everybody who visits my page. Obviously, I can't say "Abracadabra we have a connection!" because I'm not a magician. So, I had to brainstorm a few options that I thought might help my case. I came up with three blog post ideas right when I started. First, introduce a little bit about me and my family which was, "WE are the Wilde's." Second, make a "Fun Facts" post about me, and third, is soon to be published!

Obviously, this is the fun fact page, so I will list 10 fun facts about me and expand on them with a few pictures and interesting stories!


10 Fun Facts About Me!

  1. I broke my elbow and my wrist

  2. I am an adamant dog lover

  3. I have a sneaker obsession

  4. I am a video gamer

  5. I enjoy playing the piano

  6. My favorite color is green

  7. My favorite food is a juicy burger

  8. I LOVE oldies music

  9. In 6th grade, my choir performed a solo concert at Carnegie Hall in New York

  10. In Kindergarten, I stabbed myself with scissors in my knee


1. Broken Bones

I broke both my left elbow and my right wrist in the span of 2 years and both stories will make me look a tad bit silly, but here I go. So, first I will tell the elbow story.

I had just turned 8 years old and I was having a sleepover with my brothers and uncle at my Grammy's house. It was a beautiful day, so we all decided to go outside and play tag. Being little children, we had to play in the backyard. But in order to get the full experience of the story, I need to describe the backyard to you.

The infamous backyard- a small-ish backyard with a mini flag pole by the trampoline with no net, straight to your left, a swing set in the far left corner, a tree in the middle of the yard, empty space in the far right corner, a grill set straight to your right, and an outdoor table in the middle of the patio.

Based off of this description, you can tell that there wasn't a lot space to run around when playing tag in this backyard. Faced with this challenge, and my strong competitive nature, I had to think of ways to get around in a "cool" way to try and slow my opponents down. It was towards the end of the game because we were all getting tired, and I was the only child who had not gotten tagged. Because of my title, I had to make sure I did whatever was necessary to make sure I remained untouched. With my family ganging up on me, I decided to go through the trampoline on one end, and jump off on the other. My plan was going smoothly until I jumped off of the trampoline. When I jumped off, my right foot got caught by the mini flag pole and I was falling to the ground with full force on my left side. Trying to soften the blow, I stuck my left arm out and when I landed on the ground, let's just say my elbow didn't feel right. At the time, I didn't know it was broken, but I could feel the pain. I ran inside to tell my Grammy what just happened and she did what she called, "the broken bone test." I 100 percent, without a doubt, passed.

When it was time to go home, boy what a story I had the opportunity to tell. After I explained what had happened to my parents, their initial reaction was to make sure I was okay and schedule a doctors appointment, but their next reaction was to laugh at my funny accident. After the doctors visit, I had a cast put on that forced my left elbow to stay at a 90 degree angle for however long it was I don't remember. However, I do remember how itchy and uncomfortable I was and all of the times I got half of a hanger stuck in my cast when I was trying to itch the itchy spots. There was one positive point though. My cast was glow in the dark, so I guess you can say I was one of the cool kids. What a time to be alive.

Next, the wrist.

I was now 10 years old. On a lovely whatever day it was morning, I was given the task of walking our only dog at the time, Sadie. I was feeling more lazy than usual that morning, so I decided I wanted to try and walk her in style, with a pink, Razor scooter. All was going really well until we turned around the last corner of the block. We were traveling in the middle of the street and when we turned the corner, I saw a car coming. I decided to go right because that's where the closest sidewalk was, but Sadie decided to go left, because I guess dogs like to go left I don't know. But when we both went opposite ways, Sadie yanked the scooter out from under me and I fell straight to the ground, right on top of my wrist. I immediately felt the break and I was like, "This is great." When I got home, I told my mom the story, and all she said was, "Why?" Once again, I got my cast put on, purple this time, and got only a few hangers stuck.

From these two stories, you might be thinking, "Why would you do that?" or, the complete opposite, "Dude, that sounds sick!" I'm totally cool with either thought, but I just want to let you know that I have learned from my mistakes and have yet to break another bone.


2. Adamant Dog Lover

I am an adamant dog lover. I absolutely LOVE dogs.

Anytime I go out shopping and there is a PetSmart or PetCo around, I always want to go in and see all of the dogs. Anytime I am around dogs or see dogs, I get all warm inside and am filled with exquisite happiness. Luckily for me, I have 3 dogs of my own. I will introduce all of them to you.

1. Sadie

The infamous grouchy, old lady dog. She is the friendliest dog you will ever meet but, she will come at you if you try to take her food.


2. Nacho

Also known as the nervous wreck. He loves his family and is the best, and cutest, snuggle buddy. But when a stranger is present, he tends to shut down and shake uncontrollably. Hence the name, nervous wreck.


3. Layla

The spaz-tastic puppy. She is the newest addition to our family and we love her to death. When she is calm, she's amazing, but when she is surrounded by new people, she goes ballistic, and it's really hard to keep up with her.



3. Sneaker Obsession

My obsession began when I transitioned from Elementary to Middle School. As an incoming 6th grader, I felt that I had to dress cool and in style to be able to fit in. I have always been a tom boy, so my way of dressing "in style" was through my shoes and in this case, sneakers.

When I walked into Famous Footwear, I walked over to the sneaker section. By the way, when I say sneakers, I am implying Vans and Converse. I had never owned a pair of "cool" sneakers, so I had to see which brand would fit me best. I tried on a pair of black converse, and my feet didn't feel right in them. Next, I tried on a pair of black Vans and they fit perfectly. Filled with excitement and the knowledge of Famous Footwear's BOGO buy one pair get the second pair half off, I decided to find another pair of Vans. When I got to the end of the row, my eyeballs noticed a pair of pineapple Vans.

Fun Fact: At that time, I was obsessed with anything involving pineapple.

I snatched those shoes right up and went straight to the check out counter. Little did I know, this was only the beginning of my sneaker obsession. Without fail, I have owned sneakers every single year of school. Fast forward to present day, I am now going into the 11th grade and I own ... pairs of sneakers. I will admit that it is a problem, but to me, it's a lovely problem.

My sneakers


4. Video Gamer

When I say that I am a video gamer, I mean that I am horrible, but love to play. I'm usually too busy to play, which is most likely why I haven't gotten any better, but when I do, I game with my brothers, or my friends.

Games I enjoy playing:

  • Call of Duty Black Ops 3

  • All of the Halo Games

  • Fortnite

  • Minecraft

  • Goat Simulator

I usually practice my skills through Fortnite. You can usually find me playing this game because I'm either playing squads with my brothers, or playground with my friends. Honesty time. Anytime I am playing with multiple people, I get carried. Not because I want to, but because it just comes naturally. What can I say, I'm a natural.


5. Piano Player

This fun fact is plain and simple. I started to play the piano when I was 8, and took lessons for 3 years. After I finished taking lessons, I set aside the piano for a while to focus on singing, but I recently picked it up in the last 2 years. I am now self taught in any pieces of music I practice right now and I love it!

I am currently practicing Hey Jude by the Beatles to hopefully perform somewhere but I don't know yet, it was only a thought. I plan to practice more music in the future and to better my piano playing skills!


6. Favorite Color

My favorite color is green. Green is my favorite color because nature is green, and I like the idea of nature itself. It also creates an atmosphere of calmness. I know it sounds a little weird, but I honestly don't know how else to describe it.

The color green is gorgeous to capture on camera. Whether it's trees, flowers, succulents, eye colors, grass, clothing, it doesn't matter what it is, it always looks good.

A gorgeous green succulent.


7. Favorite Food

My favorite food of all time is the classic, juicy burger. When I just think of a burger, my mouth waters and my stomach growls. To show just how much I love burgers, one time I legit ate a burger for dinner for a whole week straight. Is that love or what?

The best burger I have ever had was a homemade patty stuffed with shredded cheddar cheese, a hint of blue cheese, chopped up bacon, salt, pepper, and a few chopped up onions. When I took the first bite of that burger, y'all, I felt like I was in heaven.


8. I LOVE Oldies Music

My love for the oldies started to grow when I went on a road trip with my grandparents. This specific set of grandparents grew up listening to non stop oldies music and they shed that light on me and I have never turned it off.

When I first started to listen to this genre, I stuck to the Bubblegum Oldies station on Pandora, would change the radio station to good ole' 98.7 anywhere we went, and I made a separate Spotify account just for a specific station I had found. But about 4 months ago, my family upgraded to unlimited Apple Music, and that's when I started to create my own playlist. I named the playlist "Golden Oldies" because that accurately expressed my feelings towards Oldies music. They really are golden. My playlist is up to 169 songs now, with a total of 10 hours, 4 minutes, and ranges from the 60's up to the late 80's. Yes I know, when you get higher up the number scale, they become less and less old, but I still classify it as oldies.

Anytime I hear an oldies song on the radio, playlist, Google Home, whatever, I automatically know the song if I've heard it before, based off of its starting beats. When I hear those songs play, I am filled with excitement and happiness to the point where sometimes, I scream. It's so hard for me to keep my mouth shut in school when listening to my playlist because I just want to burst out singing! Anyways, I guess you can say I'm addicted to Oldie's.


9. I Performed in New York

When I was in 6th grade, I had the amazing opportunity to be a part of a choir who was invited to perform a solo concert at Carnegie Hall in New York. For a relatively small middle school in the middle of 380 that was discovered by a YouTube post of our most recent concert at the time, this was a huge deal for us.

We definitely weren't rich, so we had to do a lot of fundraising to help pay for our share of the trip. This share included a round trip plane ticket, hotel costs, food, tickets for sightseeing, and our own money for souvenirs.

I remember how exciting this experience was for me and how honored I felt being able to be a part of this choir. When we reached our performing day, the tensions were high. We were all stressed and nervous, but still excited for our big performance. For those of you who don't know what Carnegie Hall is, it's an amazing performing hall with outstanding acoustics. When you are singing on the stage, you can hear your own voice echo right back at you. When my choir walked on the stage, we all felt instantly calm because we were filled with confidence. We knew that we knew our music, we knew that we had a great group, and we knew that we had an amazing director. After we were done performing our 12 songs, we got a standing ovation for literally 5 minutes. I remember how I accomplished and proud I felt and I will never forget that moment.


10. Stabbing My Knee With Scissors

On my first day of Kindergarten, my art teacher had explained to us the safety rules of the art room with #1 stating that no running was permitted in the art room.

About a week later, we were starting a project that involved cutting colorful pieces of construction paper to put on top a black piece of construction paper. With this project, we were given the opportunity to use scissors. You would think that we were given safety scissors because we were in Kindergarten, but nope. Non-safety scissors were given to a bunch of little Kindergartners. They put too much faith in us. Too much faith in me specifically.

When we started the project, we were reminded the rules of the art lab, including no running. After she was done explaining the rules once again to us, we all had to go to the other side of the room to get a pair of scissors. I was the last one over there, and I was going to be the last one out of there, but I wanted to start my project as fast as I could, so I needed to get back to my table quickly. With this thought in a Kindergartners mind, the only possible solution was to run! With scissors in one hand, and my other hand ready for action, I started to run. Right when I took the first few steps, I slipped on the floor and started to fall butt first onto the ground. I honestly don't know why I decided to have my hands on my knees when I landed, but I did. That weird thought resulted in my stabbing of my right knee with the scissors that were in my hand.

Right when the scissors went in my knee, I screamed out in pain and I remember how terrified my teachers face looked. Of course, everybody gathered around me and saw my now scarred knee and were like "Ooh" and "Ahh"because it really was a cool scar. My teacher on the other hand, did not think it was cool at all. She started to yell at me questions why I was running with scissors and why I was running in general. She then explained the rules to me once again and helped me walk to the nurse. Once I got to the nurse, I was once again questioned on why I was running in the art room and once again told to not run in the art room. After I was bandaged up, I had to call my parents to explain what had just happened and then I would have returned to my homeroom classroom.

Once I got back to my classroom, everybody was staring at me and giving me the evil eye. At that point, it was the end of the day and we were doing our daily "Color Ranking" based off of our behavior throughout the day. When my teacher got to my name, he put me on red. I immediately started crying because I was the only child whose name was on red. After our rankings, we all had time to sit and chat in our circles. Just my luck, my fellow peers decided to have a green only circle. When I tried to join the circle, I was literally pushed out and had to sit on the side of the rug all by myself. Why my teacher didn't do anything, I have no idea, but I remember that that day was the worst day of my entire Kindergarten life. What a time to be alive.

Looking back on this experience now, I tend to ask myself, "Why?" I then answer with, "Because." That just goes to show how little thinking I used to do when I was younger.


Now that you know a few fun facts about me, I hope you understand me a little bit better and I hope you enjoyed!

For every fact, there is a story behind it. -Anonymous


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